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How Can I Avoid Overdrafts?

Know Your Balance

  • Take advantage of free online banking to check your account balance, transfer funds and make loan payments anytime. Enroll now or log in in to your online banking account.
  • Set up account alerts. We’ll text or email you when your balance is low.Log into your online banking account to set up alerts.
  • Download City’s mobile app and check your balance, transfer funds and more. All while on the go.
  • If you have a joint account, designate one person as the account manager.
  • Review your finances weekly. Set a time each week to go over your spending.
  • Keep a running account balance by entering all checks, ATM transactions, debit transactions, account fees and deposits in your register.
  • Balance your check register against your statement every month.

1Your third party provider may charge for message and data plans.

Make the Most of Your Money

  • Never write a check or make a charge on your debit card for more than you have in your account.
  • Make sure deposits into your account clear before withdrawing cash against those deposits.
  • Consider direct deposit.

Keep Your Account Safe

  • Report stolen checks or debit cards immediately.
  • Don’t use other people’s checks or debit cards or let them use yours.
  • Update your personal information when moving or changing names.
  • Keep your checks and debit card in a safe place.

Know Your Overdraft Protection Options

  • Review your overdraft protection options online or call or visit your local branch to learn more.
  • Use a budget worksheet to determine which overdraft option is right for your income and expenses.

Use Check Writing Best Practices

  • Always use a pen.
  • Never sign blank checks.
  • Be cautious of post-dating checks.
  • Destroy voided or unused checks and deposit slips.